Welcome to Fruitful Insights
Delivering actionable data & insights
helping businesses optimise wellbeing investments
Fruitful Insights was founded to help businesses accurately measure and analyse how impaired wellbeing is impacting employees and the businesses they work for. Building on the latest contemporary models and evidence that has emerged over the last few years, Fruitful Insights brings a fresh approach to understanding the holistic nature of workplace wellbeing.
Helping power actionable insight
Our Solution
The solution uses the latest cloud-based technology to ensure secure global access through a scalable architecture based on the Google technology platform.
Data Insights
Fruitful is focussed on providing business insights for its customers but it is also able to mine data on an ongoing basis to better understand the macro workplace wellbeing trends that are impacting businesses globally. The following infographics highlight a few key strands emerging from a study looking at the organisational attributes associated with presenteeism and absence.
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